Greetings... A little update. Cai is doing fine adapting/surviving her big 4 yr old brother. On her last doctor appt. check-up her weight and height we're nearly the same (plus she started walking in the spring). I have to tell you that Lorlyn and I have been seriously thinking about adopting again (perhaps this time a waiting child) praying about how we could get our finances together, etc. Well yesterday brought us quite a shocker! I had stayed home because we we're both sick from the flu and she comes running into the living room awakening me from my slumber. She hands me the pregnancy test and ...it's positive! What? I didn't know what to say...have asleep, have stunned. Long story short, did a blood test at the hospital and it's confirmed we're about 6 weeks along, still early in the process which would put our due date around June 17. So God has a funny sense of humor and has decided to give us another chance for this miracle baby. How great is that? I have to say, we're still stunned. Perhaps we'll still think about adopting again after we have our psych exam... Miracle's happen, Love, Todd & Lorlyn